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Passage I - I often dream about the restaurant where I first met Tian. (September 2023 - G01)

Questions from Passage I
1) The passage is best described as telling the story of:
A. two people who meet in a restaurant, but who,because of an odd twist of fate, will never meet again.
B. a person who loses his hat in a restaurant and of the restaurant worker who searches hard for it and then returns it.
C. a meeting in a restaurant that leads to something very close to love at first sight for one of the two people.
D. a hat that is misplaced and of the love that emerges in a man when he meets the woman who recovers the hat for him.
2) Which of the following phrases best describes how theconcepts of coldness and warmth are used in the passage?
F. In a literal way to describe the narrator’s physicaldiscomfort in the United States
G. In a literal way to illustrate the need for the layersof clothing worn by Tian and the narrator
H. In both a metaphorical and an ironic way to sug-gest that the narrator eventually came to enjoy thecold weather she had at first disliked
J. In both a literal way to describe the narrator’sphysical state and a metaphorical way to suggesther emotional state
3) In describing the first time she remembers seeing Tianat the restaurant, the narrator most nearly implies thatfor him, the visit was:
A. enjoyable.
B. complicated.
C. hurried.
D. entertaining
4) The wave of color the narrator describes in line 23 refers to:
F. snow reflecting against buildings in Manhattan.
G. the sound of a violin from the music school.
H. the exterior of the tenements she is walking past.
J. the sky above the Manhattan street she is walkingon.
5) Upon first meeting Tian, the narrator most nearly judges him to be:
A. arrogant.
B. ordinary.
C. contented.
6) All of the following aspects of Tian make a strongimpression on the narrator EXCEPT his:
F. smile.
G. eyes.
H. hands.
J. eyelashes.
7) The narrator states that her dreams about the VermilionPalace are:
A. colorful and noisy.
B. almost surreal to her.
C. warm and comforting.
D. the same every time.
8) Which of the following best captures the literal mean-ing of the phrase caughtthethread (line 20)?
F. Could almost hear the sound
G. Understood the unusual tone
H. Recognized the faint sound
J. Witnessed the powerful feeling
9) It can reasonably be inferred from lines 79−83 (endingwith the word breathe) that at that moment, the narra-tor felt:
A. analytical.
B. anxious.
C. annoyed.
D. assertive.
10) What does the narrator most likely mean by her state-ment in lines 88−89?
F. Giving back the hat means that she will never see Tian again.
G. Giving back the hat is the right thing to do becauseit belongs to Tian.
H. Giving back the hat is symbolic of becoming an American.
J. Giving back the hat means that Tian will become apart of her life.
Correct answer:
1 - C
2 - J
3 - C
4 - G
5 - D
6 - F
7 - D
8 - H
9 - B
10 - J
Exam Edition: September 2023 - G01
Exam Year: 2023
Related topics: Literature, Textual Interpretation