Section: English 0 Likes
PASSAGE V - Hilo Hula - Clad in a flowing, floor-length red dress, her (June 2023 - F12)
Hilo Hula

Questions from the Passage V
61) A. NO CHANGE B. flowers, a woman slowly makes C. flowers while slowly making D. flowers, slowly making
62) F. NO CHANGE G. Flowers ornamenting her hair as H. Approaching the stage as J. As
63) If the writer were to delete the underlined portion, the paragraph would primarily lose information that:
A. indicates the reason that the woman’s smile is sad.
B. specifies why the story the woman is sharing is considered sad.
C. suggests that ancient legends are difficult stories to convey clearly.
D. explains why Hawaiian legends are traditionally told through dance.
64) F. NO CHANGE G. dance—native to Hawai‘i, H. dance, native to Hawai‘i, J. dance native to Hawai‘i;
65) A. NO CHANGE B. a way of trying to help out with C. an attempt to bolster D. an effort to amp up
66) F. NO CHANGE G. organizer, Dottie Thompson, and respected hula master H. organizer, Dottie Thompson and respected hula master, J. organizer Dottie Thompson and respected hula master
67) A. NO CHANGE B. so that C. when D. DELETE the underlined portion.
68) F. NO CHANGE G. The festival’s H. They’re J. One’s
69) A. NO CHANGE B. has a need C. does need D. needs
70) F. NO CHANGE G. he had H. so J. DELETE the underlined portion.
71) A. NO CHANGE B. events had grown C. events growing D. events,
72) The writer is considering revising the underlined portion to the following:
5,000-seat stadium,
Given that the information is accurate, should the writer make this revision?
F. Yes, because it provides a more specific idea of the number of dancers competing in the festival.
G. Yes, because it offers a specific detail that better illustrates how popular the events became.
H. No, because it is only loosely related to the sentence’s discussion of the events’ popularity.
J. No, because it repeats information about festival attendance stated earlier in the essay.
73) A. NO CHANGE B. festival, which hosts the world’s most prestigious hula competition, C. festival, established in 1964, D. festiva
Questions 74 and 75 ask about the preceding passage as a whole.
74) The writer wants to add the following sentence to the essay:
To that end, they established two stylistic categories in the competition.
This sentence would most logically be placed at:
F. Point A in Paragraph 1.
G. Point B in Paragraph 1.
H. Point C in Paragraph 2.
J. Point D in Paragraph 3.
75) Suppose the writer’s primary purpose had been to dis- cuss the revival of a traditional cultural art form. Would this essay accomplish that purpose?
A. Yes, because it describes how the Merrie Monarch Festival helped rekindle widespread interest in hula.
B. Yes, because it notes significant events in the history of many traditional Hawaiian art forms.
C. No, because it focuses instead on describing the various activities that take place at the Merrie Monarch Festival.
D. No, because it focuses instead on explaining the origins of hula and its initial impact on Hawaiian culture.
Correct answer:
61 - B
62 - J
63 - A
64 - F
65 - C
66 - J
67 - A
68 - G
69 - A
70 - J
71 - B
72 - G
73 - D
74 - J
75 - A
Exam Edition: June 2023 - F12
Exam Year: 2023
Related topics: Text interpretation, Reading, Grammar, Vocabulary