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PASSAGE II - Animals Over, Under, and Above All - English Test (June 2023 - F12)
Animals Over, Under, and Above All

Questions from the Passage II
16) F. NO CHANGE G. 1980s, when H. 1980s, J. 1980s;
17) A. NO CHANGE B. highway, which bisects C. highway that bisects D. highway, bisecting
18) Which choice most precisely conveys that the highway crosses through the migration paths and breeding grounds?
F. NO CHANGE G. is a part of H. runs along J. follows
19) A. NO CHANGE B. animals, whose migration routes and breeding areas are here. C. animals, quite a few of them. D. animals
20) F. NO CHANGE G. include a means for allowing H. were to allow J. allow
21) If the writer were to add the phrase “even in groups” at this point (adjusting the punctuation as needed), the paragraph would primarily gain:
A. an indication that many animals living near US Highway 93 have grown accustomed to traveling alone, even during migration periods.
B. a detail that emphasizes that the culverts and tun- nels were specially designed to accommodate ani- mals’ needs.
C. a suggestion that more groups of large animals than groups of small animals have been using the crossings to travel together.
D. a concession that traveling alone is dangerous for most animals, even when they are using the crossings.
22) F. NO CHANGE G. is: a twenty-six-foot-high, H. is, a twenty-six-foot-high J. is a twenty-six-foot-high
23) A. NO CHANGE B. with the highway toward C. over the highway to D. on the highway at
24) Which statement most effectively introduces this paragraph?
G. The very highways that allow people to move freely often block the movement of animals.
H. So far, these wildlife crossings appear to be doing what they were designed to do.
J. Safe, carefully placed fencing seems to help animals use the crossings.
25) A. NO CHANGE B. that record nearby activities have C. recording animals have D. have recorded and
26) F. NO CHANGE G. are seeming H. while seem J. seem
27) A. NO CHANGE B. she walks C. they walk D. it walks
28) F. NO CHANGE G. down, in a culvert, H. down, in a culvert J. down in a culvert
Questions 29 and 30 ask about the preceding passage as a whole.
29) The writer is considering adding the following sen- tence to the essay:
If the road were widened conventionally, crossing it would become even more dangerous, and animals would eventually be trapped
in haphazard fragments of their natural habitat.
If the writer were to add this sentence, it would most logically be placed at:
A. Point A in Paragraph 1.
B. Point B in Paragraph 2.
C. Point C in Paragraph 2.
D. Point D in Paragraph 3.
30) Suppose the writer’s primary purpose had been to describe the process by which a few groups worked together to achieve a common goal. Would this essay accomplish that purpose?
F. Yes, because the essay makes clear that groups worked together in the 1980s to prevent the redesign of several historic two-lane roads in Montana.
G. Yes, because the essay describes the organized group protests by tribes, engineers, and scientists that led to the animal crossings being built.
H. No, because although the essay states that groups worked together to create animal crossings, the essay focuses on describing the benefits of the structures.
J. No, because the essay instead focuses on providing data to show the number of animal deaths that a road redesign project has prevented.
Correct answer:
16 - H
17 - A
18 - F
19 - D
20 - F
21 - B
22 - J
23 - C
24 - H
25 - A
26 - F
27 - B
28 - J
29 - C
30 - H
Exam Edition: June 2023 - F12
Exam Year: 2023
Related topics: Text interpretation, Reading, Grammar, Vocabulary