Section: Reading and Writing 0 Likes
The severe and excessive exercise of the mind which leads to the - SAT (May 2023 U.S.)

Questions from the passage
33) Throughout the passage, Olmsted develops which claim about natural spaces?
A. Private landowners are better equipped financially to maintain preserved spaces than government is.
B. Government should play a more prominent role in protecting natural parks from overuse by the public.
C. Increased access to undeveloped nature is needed to improve the well-being of a nation’s citizens.
D. Keeping a significant percentage of land in its natural state connects people to a nation’s agrarian past.
34) Which choice best supports the idea that Olmsted believes that many activities people find gratifying are also burdened with obligations?
A. line 7 (“In the interest . . . this”)
B. line 8-10 (“The attention . . . end”)
C. line 10-12 (“There . . . mixed”)
D. line 13-15 (“In all . . . mingles”)
35) Olmsted’s use of similar phrases containing “and yet” (line 18) mainly serves to
A. emphasize the problems caused by conflicting opinions about property ownership.
B. debunk the apparent contradiction of preserving the wilderness while opening it up for public use.
C. convey the paradoxical quality of the effect that gazing at natural beauty has on human beings.
D. promote the utility of spending time in nature for both recreational and educational purposes.
36) Based on the passage, Olmsted would most likely agree with which claim about the very wealthy of his time?
A. They are traditionally reluctant to purchase and invest in natural lands that offer little financial gain in return.
B. They often turn to natural scenery when the stress caused by financial burdens becomes overwhelming.
C. They have shown that sharing their private natural lands with the common people provides benefits to the entire society.
D. They accumulate private property because they derive the same benefit from nature that the less wealthy do.
37) In the passage, Olmsted indicates that the human tendency to seek out expanses of nature
A. is the cause of a recent fashion trend popular among the wealthy.
B. reinforces the belief that recreational pursuits should be financed by the aristocracy.
C. is an enduring trait, as proved by historical precedents.
D. inspires a collective unity, since landowners must support communal interests.
38) As used in line 24, “retreats” most nearly means
A. havens.
B. withdrawals.
C. concealments.
D. evasions.
39) The passage most strongly implies that Olmsted believes private parks have historically
A. improved the general physical health of the population regardless of who used them.
B. consumed more financial resources than can be justified by their relative benefit to society.
C. developed an increasingly sophisticated and luxurious style over the centuries.
D. enabled the relaxation of social hierarchies when they became open to the public.
40) Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?
A. line 22-25 (“They . . . present”)
B. line 26-30 (“The value . . . population”)
C. line 37-39 (“Thus . . . people”)
D. line 39-42 (“For the . . . government”)
41) As used in line 29, “extend” most nearly means
A. offer.
B. increase.
C. protrude.
D. enlarge.
42) Olmsted’s repetition of the word “very” (line 32) mainly serves to
A. convey his surprise about the emergence of an unusual land distribution pattern.
B. underscore his opinion that the wealthy have an eccentric attitude regarding nature parks.
C. reinforce the common belief that nature is most accessible in rural areas.
D. emphasize that access to scenic areas has become an exclusive privilege.
Correct answer:
33 - C
34 - D
35 - C
36 - D
37 - C
38 - A
39 - B
40 - B
41 - A
42 - D
Exam Edition: May 2023 U.S.
Exam Year: 2023
Related topics: Critical Analysis, Textual Interpretation, Text Understanding